It is from Crash Course Astronomy. That phrase was used at around 11:00 minute. Here it goes:

It will be as if that part of the Universe across the horizon is ripped away from us, beyond breaking.

I googled the phrase, but what I have found was the phrase breaking point. I feel these two phrases are related, but still I cannot quite get what it means in the sentence


1 Answer 1


The real wording is:

It will be as if that part of the Universe across the horizon is ripped away from us, stretched beyond breaking.

That part of the Universe will be stretched until it reaches a breaking point, and then stretched some more, so that the actual breaking occurs. Hence, "beyond breaking".

enter image description here

  • 1
    +1 for the answer and +1 for noticing that OP had dropped the word stretched.
    – TimR
    Commented Mar 4, 2018 at 12:57

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