Let's say you are one of the contestants in a contest, then the MC just remind you that:
'They won't make any special consideration to/for your case.''
Which is correct?
Let's say you are one of the contestants in a contest, then the MC just remind you that:
'They won't make any special consideration to/for your case.''
Which is correct?
We'll move to your case next
The action "move" needs a direction even if it's a philisophical direction and not a literal direction. The direction in the above example is "to" (toward) your case.
I'll clean my room for your sake.
In this example, the room will be cleaned, not because the occupant wants to clean it or should clean it, but on behalf of someone else (who apparently wants it cleaned, like a parent).
Thus, in your example, you would use the preposition "for" because the consideration will be refused to the detriment of (on behalf of) your case or situation.