enter image description here I can understand the meaning of the sentence, but I have some doubt on the grammar point.

First, I think NCSC is the singular form, so it should be NCSC assesses.

Second, I don't understand the grammar of the last part of the sentence ... within the context of the existing UK telecommunications infrastructure cannot be mitigated. As I know, of should not be followed by a that clause.

Can someone help me with this? Thanks!

  • And NCSC is ???
    – user3169
    Commented Apr 17, 2018 at 1:46
  • Are you sure NCSC access is not a compound noun? Otherwise, it means NCSC is a group of something and author wants to say each part has the access. However, I am not sure what does Access mean here!! something like NCSC access that ... arising from, the use of ..., cannot be mitigated.
    – Cardinal
    Commented Apr 17, 2018 at 2:01
  • @user3169 NCSC should be National Computer Security Center or National Cyber Security Center.
    – dan
    Commented Apr 17, 2018 at 2:43
  • As I understand so far, the main clause within that clause is "the national security risks cannot be mitigated". Arising from ......infrastructure modifies risks. I am still unsure if it should be NCSC assess or NCSC assesses?
    – dan
    Commented Apr 17, 2018 at 2:51

1 Answer 1


Overall this sentence is convoluted, but still grammatical.

The British treat certain collective nouns as plural, that Americans are more comfortable treating as singular (more about this). For example:

The Rural Affairs and Environment Committee were provided with ...

The basic structure of the sentence is:

NCSC assess that the national security risks [of some kind] cannot be mitigated

This of some kind is those risks:

arising from the use of [X] within [context Y]

I'm not sure what you mean by "of should not be followed by a that clause", since I don't see any such clause.


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