What are the metal parts of a boot where the laces are meant to go called? There are the circle parts and the hook parts. Do these have a different name each, or do they have the same name?
4 Answers
The Weinbrenner Shoe Company calls them hook eyelets and set eyelets:
10+1 for "hook eyelets." I've also seen them referred to as lace hooks. Commented Jun 20, 2018 at 20:43
5"Set eyelets" are usually just "eyelets" (note the quotes in the figure).– Chris HCommented Jun 21, 2018 at 15:16
What are you trying to figure out, B.D.? Who could I be? "What is a blucher!"– chosterCommented Jul 10, 2018 at 4:07
For shoes and other clothing and accessories, eyelet is the common term:
noun [countable] a small hole in cloth surrounded by a metal ring, for putting a string or rope through [Macmillan]
The more generic term is grommet, though in my experience this usually refers to a larger hole as might be used for a sail or tarpaulin.
3In British English we'd normally use eyelet even for the big holes in tarpaulins. Grommet is mainly used for a cable exit/strain relief part.– Chris HCommented Jun 21, 2018 at 15:17
2@ChrisH And also for an item implanted in the ear to relieve glue ear. You’ve apparently forgotten the War of Jennifer’s Ear. Commented Jun 22, 2018 at 6:55
@MikeScott I was too young to vote in 92 so had to Google it just now. The ear implant did occur to me but I left it out– Chris HCommented Jun 22, 2018 at 9:16
It is indeed an eyelet as others have answered. And the part of the lace that you push through the eyelet is called an aglet (the rigid plastic cylinder that binds the end of the lace).
1eyelet : "1. a small round hole in leather or cloth for threading a lace, string, or rope through." - It's a grommet only if it has a grommet (a metal or leather ring).– MazuraCommented Jun 21, 2018 at 0:48
Definition from the Collins English Dictionary:
An eyelet is a small hole with a metal or leather ring around it in cloth, for example, on a sail. You can put cord, rope, or string through it.
1Odd that the definition doesn't include a plastic ring. Plastic eyelets are common too– Chris HCommented Jun 21, 2018 at 15:18