I'm reading about the subjunctive mood and i have trouble grasping the following sentence from https://data.grammarbook.com/blog:

She requested that he raise his hand.

I have understood that with verbs besides were, past perfect tense should be used with the subjunctive mood.

  1. Is the verb raise really past perfect or am I missing something?
  2. Is the following variation of the original sentence grammatically correct?

    She hoped that he raise his hand.

  • The second should be She hoped that he would raise his hand. Commented Jul 29, 2018 at 14:07
  • When you ask someone to do something, they haven't done it yet. So you can't use past tense, as in "he raised his hand".
    – user3169
    Commented Jul 29, 2018 at 18:22

1 Answer 1


Is the verb raise really past perfect or am I missing something?

Since statements in the subjunctive mood exist outside time, tense applies differently. The tenses of the indicative verbs could change, and the subjunctive verb indicating the imagined action would not change


I wish I were there to have a drink with you and dish.

I wished I were there to have a drink with you and dish.

She demanded that he leave the hospital premises.

She will demand that he leave the hospital premises.

Source: grammarist.com

Is the following variation of the original sentence grammatically correct?

Accourding to this answer

*She hoped that he raise his hand.

isn't correct because

In English, we do not generally use the subjunctive with the verb hope

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