Is there any way in English (noun or a verb or a phrase) to describe an act of "deep" bowing, when the "bower" brings his head down below his lumbar region but doesn't kneel down?

I am especially interested in the case of imperative, like:

Please, (give a) _________________ to the king!


1 Answer 1


What about "obeisance"?


It's not specifically a deep bow, but the meaning should be appropriate in this context.

I'm not sure if you will find a word in English that specifically means a deep bow, as this isn't typically something that is done in most English speaking cultures.

  • "this isn't typically something that is done in most English speaking cultures" - I see, but what if it's a book in English about some non-English speaking culture? Then this act must be described somehow. If not one word, then, perhaps, some phrase?
    – brilliant
    Commented Sep 5, 2018 at 5:04
  • "but the meaning should be appropriate in this context" - How should it go in the form of a request? "Please, do your obeisance to him."? "Please, make your obeisance to him."? "Please, produce your obeisance to him."? I specifically mean the physical obeisance (the actual movement of a body), not the obeisance in the figurative sense.
    – brilliant
    Commented Sep 5, 2018 at 5:12
  • I think it would be something like "show obeisance before the king", or "show obeisance to the king" Commented Sep 5, 2018 at 5:47
  • It's showing respect or deference by a physical gesture. Commented Sep 5, 2018 at 5:47
  • If it is "about some non-English speaking culture", then what would they call it? It may or may not translate. But unless you need to be specific, I would use something like "Bow deeply before the king." Also, one wouldn't use please with a command.
    – user3169
    Commented Sep 5, 2018 at 6:08

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