The following is a question from the ACT that I answered incorrectly with H. It illustrates an important rule regarding commas in a series that I'm still mixing up. The gray highlighted portion can be changed with any of the answers below:
Salad Greens and herbs, such as arugula, Swiss chard, black kale, rapini, sage, and oregano,
shared one large plot, given their similar moisture requirements.
G. herbs – such as arugula, Swiss chard, black kale, rapini, sage, and oregano
H. herbs, such as arugula, Swiss chard, black kale, rapini, sage, and oregano
J. herbs; such as arugula, Swiss chard, black kale, rapini, sage, and oregano
The ACT always requires the Oxford comma. However, I can't find examples of what to do with the last item in a series if the sentence continues after the last item. In this example, only F sets off the last item (oregano) with a comma from the rest of the sentence. Is this comma always necessary after the last item in a series if the sentence continues or is that not always the case but just happens to be so in this example?