Brennan, 69, has stayed ambivalent about Kavanaugh’s nomination.

“Obviously, I’m so disappointed in everyone in this whole process,” he said, adding that alleged victim Dr. Christine Blasey Ford has been the only one who has come out looking good. He did add with a chuckle: “Man, how about how he lost his mind the other night. He reminded me of me on the sidelines.”

Can someone help me to understand what Brennan meant by "He reminded me of me on the sidelines" in this context?

I'm also not sure what his stance is by saying "Obviously, I’m so disappointed in everyone in this whole process,". What's this "everyone" referring to?

The full source.

1 Answer 1


So Brennan was the Yale basketball coach when Kavanaugh was a student there.

Even the author writes that he is being "ambivalent" (uncertain) about what his stance is. So we don't really know who "everyone" is. He could be referring to certain side, but he doesn't state it clearly.

Man, how about how he lost his mind the other night. He reminded me of me on the sidelines.

This can be rephrased to:

Wow, remember how Kavanaugh became very upset the other night. Kavanaugh reminded Brennan of when Brennan [was a coach] on the sidelines [of the basketball court].

Brennan is just comparing Kavanaugh's behavior to Brennan's behavior as a basketball coach who we can assume was the typically upset and yelling furiously kind.

  • when is "the other night"?
    – dan
    Commented Sep 30, 2018 at 13:56
  • 1
    This article is from today, and the hearing was 3 days ago. So he is most likely referring to then. Kavanaugh was upset, yelling, etc. during the hearing. You can see it in his opening statement. Commented Sep 30, 2018 at 15:18

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