I have watched the film Ip Man 2 in English a couple of days ago and I am still confused about the meaning of a specific sentence:
I can't let the foreign devil look down on us. I can put up with him to live but can't let him insult Chinese martial arts.
Basically, the "foreign devil" is a boxer called Twister who is fighting against Ip Man. The person speaking is Master Hung.
So I know that to put up with sth/sb means to accept or tolerate something or someone, but I don't know what is meant by “to live“.
Does it mean that the person speaking can live with him but can't tolerate that he insults Chinese martial arts?
I have already looked at example sentences but “to put up with sth/sb“ has never been followed by “to + verb“.
Edit: The whole context would go like this:
I can't let the foreign devil look down on us. I can put up with him to live but can't let him insult Chinese martial arts.
Basically, the foreign devil is a boxer called Twister who is fighting against ip man. The person speaking is master hung. So master hung says: “I can't let Twister look down on us. I can put up with him to live but can't let him insult Chinese martial arts."