I cannot understand which one of the following definitions for "work out" is appropriate for the piece of a conversation's one!
Advisor: Well, good. So, bookstore isn’t working out?
Student: Oh, bookstore’s working out fine. I just, I—this pays almost double what the bookstore does.
work out (phrasal verb):
1) plan: work something ↔ out - to think carefully about how you are going to do something and plan a good way of doing it:
▪ UN negotiators have worked out a set of compromise proposals.
work out what/where/how etc:
▪ We need to work out how we're going to get there.
▪ I had it all worked out (=had made very careful plans).
2) calculate: work something ↔ out - to calculate an answer, amount, price etc:
▪ See if you can work this bill out.
work out how much/how many etc:
▪ We'll have to work out how much food we'll need for the party.
3) understand: work something ↔ out - (especially British English) to think about something and manage to understand it:
▪ The plot is very complicated - it'll take you a while to work it out.
work something out for yourself:
▪ I'm sure you can work it out for yourself.
4) cost: if a cost or amount works out at a particular figure, it is found to be that much when you calculate it.
work out at/to £10/$500 etc:
▪ The bill works out at £15 each.
work out expensive/cheap etc (=be expensive or cheap):
▪ If we go by taxi, it's going to work out very expensive.
5) get better: if a problem or complicated situation works out, it gradually gets better or gets solved:
▪ Things will work out, you'll see.
▪ I hope it all works out for Gina and Andy.
work itself out:
▪ I'm sure everything will work itself out.
6) happen: if a situation works out in a particular way, it happens in that way (synonym: turn out).
work out well/badly:
▪ Financially, things have worked out well for us.
7) exercise: to make your body fit and strong by doing exercises:
▪ He works out with weights twice a week. ➔ workout
8) I can't work somebody out: (British English spoken) used to say that you cannot understand what someone is really like or why they behave in the way they do:
▪ I couldn't work her out at all.
9) be worked out: if a mine is worked out, all the coal, gold etc has been removed from it.
work somebody over: to attack someone by hitting them several times