I read about the prepositions, for, and to. For example, to can be used with times, directions. for can be used as because of. However, I am still confused about my sentence. I think the first one is correct as my method do something. While the second sentence shows the reasons.

I have a commonly used method, A, which is used to select the best fit model. What one of my sentences is correct? and Why?

Method A is a commonly used method to select the best fit model.


Method A is a commonly used method for selecting the best fit model.

1 Answer 1


For all essential purposes, they mean exactly the same thing and both are fine. It's simply a matter of preference.

Personally, I would drop the repetition of method.

Method A is commonly used to select the best fit model.
Method A is commonly used for selecting the best fit model.

Only if it's the most commonly used method, would I use the word twice (note also how that changes the syntax in both sentences and the preposition in the second):

Method A is the method most commonly used to select the best fit model.
Method A is the most commonly used method of selecting the best fit model.

Last, I'm not sure about best fit model. The meaning is slightly ambiguous and it seems to me that it should be punctuated or phrased differently:

the best-fit model
the best model fit
the model with the best fit

But I'm not sure of the intended meaning, so I don't know which would be better.

  • Thank you so much for your answer. I meant the best-fit model. Sometimes we use the best-fitted model.
    – Maryam
    Commented Jan 14, 2019 at 7:20
  • 1
    Thanks for your answer. I have an additional question; I often prefer the prefix 'in' to 'for', like writing as 'used in selecting' instead of 'used for selecting'. Is this way also acceptable? Commented Jan 14, 2019 at 7:24
  • 2
    @GwangmuLee Yes, you can use in too. I think it's used less often in this particular context, but there's nothing wrong with it. Although I find it sounds a little odd in the version of the sentence where I used the most. I'm afraid I can't give a logical reason for that, aside from my own use of the language. Commented Jan 14, 2019 at 7:29
  • @JasonBassford Yes, I think getting used to the natural usage through examples is the best bet I can do. Thank you again :) Commented Jan 14, 2019 at 12:22

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