In British english, I know simple present tense allows do/does like,

I do follow the rules,


He does follow the rules.

My question is about whether all action verb follow this rule like:

I do eat rice;
I do go to school


1 Answer 1


Yes. That use is called "emphatic form"

According to the Cambridge Dictionary

We use do, does (present simple) or did (past simple) to give extra force to the main verb. We use the infinitive of the main verb without to, and stress do/does/did when speaking.

There are minor exceptions like other auxiliary verbs like be or have. You can find additional information about these exceptions here

  • It's also not limited to action verbs. Catenative verbs and linking verbs can also use 'do' - "you do look pale", "you do force people to think", "you do remember to show off".
    – SamBC
    Feb 22, 2019 at 13:48
  • Also, good read here: Feb 22, 2019 at 14:08
  • If linking verbs can take 'do' how will you use it(do) in the sentence like, "I am a student? @SamBC Mar 2, 2019 at 20:07
  • I did mention that be is an exception to the use of do for emphasis. Am is a form of be, so you can't use it in that way in that student. Spoken aloud, you would just emphasise am. If you had to do it in writing, there are several options depending on register.
    – SamBC
    Mar 2, 2019 at 21:49

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