You don't want to throw out all that equity you have with your current audience.

I think a relative pronoun which or that is understood to be between "equity" and "you" , but was omitted to make it concise, but I'm not sure if I am correct.

So the sentence originally is :

You don't want to throw out all that equity which/that you have with your current audience.

The relative pronoun "which/that" will be the object of the verb have,
and the relative pronoun "which/that" is equivalent to equity.

and the PP phrase with your currect audience can possibly be attached to the main clause or the relative clause, but in this case , it should be attached to the relative clause, as it makes more sense.

Are my knowledge above correct?

  • 2
    Yes you are right.
    – Andrew
    Commented Mar 25, 2019 at 16:01

1 Answer 1


I agree with you.

Note however that knowledge cannot take a plural verb ('are'). I would say "Is my understanding correct?" or "Is my analysis correct?"

  • Thanks, without looking at the main clause, can the relative clause be viewed as: You have that(equity) with your current audience.
    – jammy yang
    Commented Mar 26, 2019 at 9:05
  • "You have all that equity with your current audience", @jammyyang: the "all" is quite significant, because "all that" is a phrase with a literal meaning ("a lot") and a emotional connotation that depends on context - often surprise or disapproval. Here the connotation is "it is so much that I am surprised that you would consider throwing it out".
    – Colin Fine
    Commented Mar 26, 2019 at 17:27

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