I messaged my friend asking if a person(say Mr. ABC) replies to his messages. So I texted him saying: " Does Mr. ABC reply to your messages?"
He corrected me saying that it was "did" and not "does"
I told him that I was right in using "does" and gave the following explanation:
Did is used when you have told me that you had sent him a message and then I ask if he replied to you. Basically boiling down to which action was done first.
Does is used in a more general sense when you want to gather information about something by asking a question and when the said action hasn't been done yet.
Usage of 'did' Eg: I tell you to check if Mr ABC eats the oranges. So afterwards, I'll come and ask you: did Mr ABC eat the oranges?
Usage of 'does'
Eg: I would like to know if Mr ABC eats oranges or not so that I can know what I must offer him. So, does Mr ABC eat oranges?
Is my reasoning right?