Tired from work, he went to bed early.

Being tired from work, he went to bed early.

The former has a past participle phrase while the latter has a present participle phrase.

But I can't make out the difference in meaning between the two sentences.

Both means:

She was feeling tired and that made her go to bed early.

to me.

I'm sure that there are, of course, some difference that I can't make out.

Please help me get this.

1 Answer 1


I feel, there could be a slight difference between the sentences.

You can understand that the first sentence "Tired from work, he went to bed early." tells you two facts: He was tired from work and he went to bed early.

The second sentence "Being tired from work, he went to bed early." suggests the reasoning: He was tired from work, so he went to bed early.

  • 1
    Which of these do you prefer? Jun 28, 2019 at 10:16
  • I personally think, the first one is just OK, because it's simpler.
    – Jan
    Jun 28, 2019 at 10:20

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