I am looking for a sentence that tells someone that something is further ahead.

For example: if I want to tell a reader (currently reading page 20) about a topic that is further ahead (say on page 50) without mentioning the page, how will the sentence be?

Would it be something like: The topic is further ahead.

Also, please mention different ways of saying this. I want to learn different ways this sentence can be structured, for the sake of variety.

1 Answer 1


To inform the reader that more information will be coming later on you could use

This/[X] will be covered/discussed later

This/[X] will be covered/discussed in a later chapter

This/[X] will be covered/discussed in more detail/depth later on.

  • Thank you for your response. Your sentence is much better in this context, but I would still like to ask whether "(Something) is further ahead" is correct grammatically and whether it makes sense in some other context, say, a sign board that informs about a place further forward in space and tells to keep moving. How would such a sentence be?
    – Zaeem
    Commented Jul 12, 2019 at 14:45
  • 1
    @Zaeem Certainly. The truck stop is further ahead. Although road signs would usually state a distance. Can also be used figuratively: Salvation is further ahead
    – Smock
    Commented Jul 12, 2019 at 14:49
  • In academic writing, it is very common to say that a topic will be "addressed below," "discussed below," etc. – particularly if the reference is to a point within a few pages farther along in the text. "Later" and especially "later on" would seem too colloquial in such a context; "in a later chapter" is OK, but "in Chapter 3" (or whatever) would be much better.
    – Nanigashi
    Commented Jul 16, 2019 at 18:40

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