Is the following correct?
I went to see a friend to see how she's been but when I got there she wasn't in.
I think it should be "had been" because it is in the past. What do you think?
Is the following correct?
I went to see a friend to see how she's been but when I got there she wasn't in.
I think it should be "had been" because it is in the past. What do you think?
Since you are not only checking how she had been in the past, you are also checking how she is presently faring, it is ok to use has been.
It is correct to match the tense of the verbs, but had been refers to a time prior to when you were there. This would be correct only if the state of being that interested you (a) ended before you arrived or (b) started some time before you arrived and may or may not have continued until your arrival. Presumably, you went to see a friend to see how she "was" or "was doing" at the specific time of your visit.