When someone is being "dilatory," or pokey, there are lots of ways to express "hurry up" in other ways. The one I use most often comes from Spanish:
Or if they're being extremely pokey and I want to add more empahsis, I say:
"¡Ándale! ¡Arriba! ¡Arriba! ¡Epa!"
That's borrowed from the cartoon Speedy Gonzalez, and when people say it, it's usually in a manner that imitates how Speedy Gonazlez says it.
Another thing I say is:
"Get the lead out."
That suggests that they're moving really slowly, like they're weighed down with lead.
I also might say:
"Chop chop!"
That phrase comes into English from Chinese (Cantonese).
Another favorite I use is:
"Get a move on!"
Oh, and:
"Quit poking around."
Some things my mom says when us kids are moving too slow for her liking are:
"Molasses moves faster than you. Come on!"
"Quit dragging your feet!"
"Before I'm dead, please!"
"Could you move any slower?" (this one's passive aggressive)
My dad isn't as nice. What he generally says when I'm moving too slow for his liking is:
"Get your thumb out of your ass!"
"Get your ass in gear!"
My dad's expressions are technically to be used for when someone's at a standstill, not simply being slow. However, he, like lots of other people, says them when someone's being slow to suggest that they're being so slow that it's as though they're at a standstill.
If we're at a stoplight and the person driving is being slow about taking off or turning left after it's changed, I say:
"It doesn't get any greener."