I'm currently reading this article, and a paragraph says,
No president has ever been sent packing. Nixon resigned because he saw it coming. Trump would sooner start a civil war.
What would this bold line mean?
I checked with Merriam Unabridged, it says,
Packing : noun
1 a : the act or process of preparing goods for shipment or storage specifically : the wholesale processing of food for market
b : a method of inserting into a shipping container with appropriate protective covering, cushioning, or bracing
c : the act or process of transporting or being transported on the backs of men or animals
d : the therapeutic application of a pack
e : an act or instance of assembling in a compact group or mass
2 a : a covering, stuffing, or holding apparatus used to protect, cushion, or brace goods packed for shipment or storage
b (1) : a thin layer or ring of elastic material (as paper, rubber, asbestos, copper) inserted between the surfaces of a flange joint to make it impervious to leakage — compare gasket (2) : the material in a stuffing box which prevents leakage (3) : a flexible ring surrounding a piston to maintain a tight fit (as inside a cylinder) (4) : material (as felt, wool, or rope) placed in the sawway of a circular saw to prevent vibration — compare hydraulic packing, steam packing (5) : caulking]
c : a masonry filling (as mortar containing small stones)
d : the material used beneath the drawsheet of a printing press
e (1) : longitudinal timbers between the hull of a ship and the sliding ways of a launching cradle (2) : a liner between the frame and a raised strake of plating on a ship to make it watertight
f : the arrangement of several structural members (as I bars or struts) on a single pin forming a truss joint
g : the filling of a fractionating column consisting usually of loose pieces of solid material (as glass beads or Raschig rings)
None of these seem to apply. Could anyone help me?
Thank you in advance.