These sentences are commonly found on the Internet and in the books...

My mother helped me with homework.
My sister helped me with shopping.

Is it always like that? "....helped [someone] with [something]...

Are these correct?

My sister helped me in (doing) shopping.
There were many options (of whatever) to go for but my mother helped me in selection.

What if my sister has a better tool to unscrew a nut in a robo to dismantle it?

It was very difficult to dismantle the little robo. My sister helped me with a tool and we could do that job easily!

The above sentence uses with but than the context is different!

  • with homework(noun), with shopping(gerund), in doing homework(verb)
    – Sandeep D
    Commented May 4, 2014 at 10:12
  • You could also use help out though the meaning is a bit more implied.
    – user3169
    Commented May 4, 2014 at 20:06

1 Answer 1


You can either use "with", as in your sentences,"My mother helped me with(my) homework." "My sister helped me with the shopping" or full or bare infinitve.Example:"My mother helped me to do/do my homework."My mother helped me to do/do the shopping."

Also:My sister helped me by giving me with a tool, so we could do that job easily. "Help"+in(gerund) is not correct.

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