Why is it correct use have in the present continuous tense when talking about parties but incorrect when talking about class. For example:

I am having a party tomorrow.

I have class tomorrow.

but not

I am having class tomorrow”?

  • A teacher might easily tell someone that s/he is having a class tomorrow, meaning giving a class tomorrow or receiving tuition tomorrow.. A pupil is more likely to say **I have class tomorrow, meaning attending a regular class tomorrow. Both are possible. Dec 16, 2019 at 18:59
  • You (a student) are definitely not "having a class tomorrow". That's incorrect use. have a class, and have class (informal), are in use, however.
    – BadZen
    Dec 16, 2019 at 19:22

2 Answers 2


You can use having with events to indicate that you are organizing, arranging, or otherwise causing an event to be expected to occur on a definite timeframe.

I am having a party.

I am having a family dinner.

I am having a meeting at my home.

but not

I am having a doctor's appointment.

I am having a birthday.

I am having a potential visit by my mother in-law.

In the first three, you could replace having with holding or organizing. In the last three, you could not.

  • Let's say I am s teacher and I am giving clases tomorrow. Do I say "I am having class" or "I am having classes tomorrow"? Dec 16, 2019 at 19:33
  • 1
    You likely wouldn't, because classes are almost always on a fixed schedule; you didn't decide or arrange specifically to have a class tomorrow, most likely. If the situation was such that it was the teacher's discretion when are when not to hold class, it suddenly sounds natural again for her to tell her students "We are having class tomorrow", however.
    – BadZen
    Dec 16, 2019 at 21:09

The way to say you have a class would be:

I have a class tomorrow.

You could say the same about a party:

I have a party tomorrow.

However, this means that you are attending a party.

"I am having a party" is an idiomatic way to say that you are hosting a party.

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