There is no need to apologise for this. This requires no more apology than the time you didn't use "the" in the right place. You are, as you said, a non-native speaker of English. We expect non-native speakers to have a non-native level of English, and if you make mistakes that is fine and expected. If I (even as a native speaker) apologised for every grammar mistake I make, I'd spend my life apologising.
I think you may be over-worried about using Ms+first name. It isn't an error, it just isn't often used (in the past it was used by servants when talking to the children of superiors, but this context doesn't exist in current society). You'll probably now be aware that "Mr" or "Ms" is rarely used when talking to a person. But commonly used, with last name when talking about a person to a person who doesn't know them.
{referring to Jane Atkins}
Hello Jane, can I ask you a question about the crossbeam
{later to a colleague} Jane said that the crossbeam has gone out of skew on the treadle.
{later to an outside company} Please send the invoice for treadle adjustment to Ms Atkins.