Cambridge Dictionary gives this definition about issue

a subject or problem that people are thinking and talking about

So, I guess "issue" and "subject" are interchangeable when talking about a specific issue/subject.

Imagine an English teacher starts their lesson with

Today's topic is simple present tense

Today's issue is simple present tense

Today's subject is simple present tense

I guess all of them are grammatical and idiomatic, right?

  • Hi, this question needs more work - you're asking for 3 statements to be checked, which is off-topic, and you haven't shown any research you might have made, even though you are suggesting they might be right.
    – Astralbee
    Commented Mar 9, 2020 at 14:57
  • @Astralbee Thanks for your reminder. The right way would be to ask 3 questions as: (1) "issue" and "subject"; (2) "topic" "issue" (3) "topic" "subject". Is my understanding right?
    – WXJ96163
    Commented Mar 9, 2020 at 22:08

1 Answer 1


"Topic" and "subject" are fairly close, though "subject" is broader. It might apply to a whole semester of material. "Issue" is much narrower, and refers to something that is controversial. Don't use "issue" in that context unless there is some debate about it. The best fit for your context is "topic".

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