In contact with Dr. Porter's office to request their definition of "A State of Sight." This was the part of their response as to meaning:
Our video blog is called "A State of Sight" because the videos give information that is considered up to date, in regards to refractive or corrective vision, you could say "state" is used as a term to represent the way things currently are at the moment, which is of course in regards to the corrective vision and refractive procedures our office performs, hence the word "sight."
So, the definition of "state" in this instance is a noun of condition:
State: a condition or way of being that exists at a particular time
Since this specific idiom has eluded other searches, perhaps Dr. Porter created this title as a succinct description of this blog. there are others using "state" that may help understand this better:
State of mind; state of the nation; state of being; and so forth.