I was recently watching this Apple series called For All Mankind and came across the following sentence there:
While we sit here, the Soviets are pushing ahead with their plans for a lunar military foothold.
To put it into a bit more context, these words are coming from a senator addressing the public on sort of a conference/trial/hearing.
So the question is, what's the difference between this sentence and
While we are sitting here, the Soviets are pushing ahead with their plans for a lunar military foothold.
Stylistically and in terms of the meaning.
Could it be that maybe what is being implied here is "while these meetings keep taking place" on a regular basis rather than "while they are sitting there in this particular moment"? (although this is not clear from the episode). But then again the second part is present continuous, so probably this is not the case?
When I asked my native British friend about it, he said that this is because it's shorter and punchier. Is that really all there is to it?