Whichever is a derived term of which.
Which when mentioned, usually provides you with options/alternatives/possibilities to choose from.
For e.g You see questions like, which of the following is the correct answer?
In such questions, you have options provided to you to choose from. And the questioner is dependent on the input provided by you. On the basis of your input, you will be given marks or deducted marks.
Whichever on the other hand, similar to which, provides you with multiple options to choose from. However the questioner or the presenter is not dependent or affected by your input. You can choose from all the available options, but the other person won't be affected by your choice.
For e.g. Choose whichever dress you like.
Hence coming back to your question, your statements will be proper when you write them in the following manner:
Choose whichever time that suits you best to talk to me.
Take whichever of these chocolates you would like.
Strike out whichever option is not good for you.