I saw a sentence
She hoped to have done
Or a sentence, created with the same structure. I don'tunderstand how it works. Then I saw a full version of it:
She hoped that she had done
So, it's like a combination of Past Simple(hoped) + Past Perfect(had done) but combining them we can't have Past Perfect, we have only perfect infinitive.
When I later saw
She can't have done
I didn't understand it, too. Since then I've been trying to create a full version of it which would be clear for me. I tried
It can't be possible that she has done - I was told it was incorrect
It can't be true that she has done - I was told it was incorrect, too
I also have such variants:
It can't be real that she has done
There can't be a possibility that she has done it
There can't be a probability that she has done it
Is there any sentence among those I wrote which can be equaled to "She can't have done"?