Could you tell me if it is correct and natural to use the present continuous after hope to refer to the future? For example:

I hope it's not raining when we go out this time tomorrow.

I've only seen the present simple or future simple used to refer to the future.

1 Answer 1


That is perfectly normal.

The present continuous can always refer to future events, especially they are a direct consequence of the present situation and certain to occur: It is rather like the "going to" future:

I'm playing tennis tomorrow (because the court is booked and its in my diary).

With "hope" the present tense often refers to future events. "

I hope you pass your exam.

If you are hoping for something that will take some time, then present continuous is fine:

I hope I'm leading the parade tomorrow. Coach said he'd pick a leader tonight.

Your example is very natural, with "raining" functioning almost like an adjective to describe the weather.

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