I've been having an agony of the use of the verb "bitch" in the transitive verb which was used many times in Aersosmith's songs, but may be it was I didn't give enough attention to it, after all if their rocks are catchy enough, they had become a hit.
It started after checking carefully the one of the above rockstar's song.
I know, no sense is perfectly OK to me when it comes to songs.
But "to bitch", assuming very offensive word, when it is used in the transitive mode, 2 dictionaries give 2 definition.
This Merriam Webster says,
transitive verb
1: SPOIL, BOTCH bitched up their lives
3: to complain of or about
However, this dictionary gives different definitions.
verb transitive (Should we delete(+) this sense?) To make derogatory comments.
verb transitive To criticize spitefully, often for the sake of complaining rather than in order to have the problem corrected.
What's common between the 2 is that they have a definition "to complain about something".
So, does the verb bitch in the use of transitive mean "to complain"?
Thank you^^.