Are "dream of" and "dream about" interchangeable or is there a difference between them in meaning and usage.
3 Answers
To dream of something implies a want, a need, a desire:
I dream of traveling the world
I dream of world peace
I dream of Jeannie
To dream about something is to literally dream about something, and it's usually presented in the past tense:
I dreamt about winning the lottery
I dreamt about flying
I dreamt about being a millionaire
To use it in the present tense is more common.
I dream about becoming rich
I dream about Jeannie
I dream about wonderful things.
To dream of uses a different past tense form as well.
I dreamed of having the perfect house
I dreamed of winning the lottery
I dreamed of paradise on the beach.
These have nothing to do with dreaming while asleep. They are all imagined, hoped for, dreamed of...
1The part about dreaming while asleep ought to be addressed. I think about would be the more natural prepostion, at least when dream is used as a noun: "Last night, I had a dream about eating a giant marshmallow..."– J.R. ♦Commented Jun 11, 2014 at 22:32
1To me, "dreamed about" is just as natural/common/prevalent/apt to be heard/apt to be taught, at least in some places, as "dreamed of." In other words, I'm not sure about signalling out "dreamed" for "of" only.– user6951Commented Jun 12, 2014 at 1:33
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1I was startled to read that dreamt of was singled out as having a different past tense form (dreamed of), because to me dreamed about is a common past tense form of dream about.– user6951Commented Jun 12, 2014 at 18:22
To speak about/of or think about/of doesn't normally have the two meanings that dream has. Dreams mean both a purely psychological phenomenon (at one end of its meaning), but can also mean a desire (as in my dream job, dream home, dream girl/boy, etc.
I suggest "Dream of" because it sounds more polite and romantic.
If I say "Dream about you" that covers the wide range of your dream, you could be flying or may get in a wonderland. While saying "Dream of you" that means being real.
Look at this example: I dream of becoming the US marine. (Internal Desire). Here you want something out from you.
I dream about a house/super car (External desire). Here you want to get something from an outside World.
To dream of is more specific
I dreamed of getting eaten up and going down a digestive system.
To dream about is kind of the main idea of it
I dreamed about getting eaten up.
But from Spanish they both mean the same thing and Spanish is very old and basically knows best, so it can be both.