Your wife is holding a mobile phone which contains many songs/videos in song/video formats such as mp3 or avi.

In dictionaries, "turn on/ off" is often used for machines.

to make a machine or piece of electrical equipment such as a television, engine, light etc start operating by pushing a button, turning a key etc

Eg, "Jake turned on his computer and checked his mail."

The dictionary says "by pushing a button". We also push a button on an app, on a mobiephone for example, to turn on a song / video.

Is it idiomatic to say "could you turn the songs/ videos on"?

It seems that people say "play", "could you play the song/video?". But I am not sure.

1 Answer 1


I think 'turn on' is a little unnatural but you could use 'put on' instead. Of course, 'play' is also correct.

Can you put on that song we heard earlier? (turn on)
Could you play the video from timestamp 12:32? (turn on)
I'm going to put on some videos about travel. (turn on)

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