Say you are dating a girl and you want to let her think that you are doing a lot of good things for that person.
For example,
Your girlfriend missed her bus & called you over. You immediately picked her up. You got 1 point from her.
Her car was broken down and you helped her to fix it. You got another point from her.
You noticed that she was carrying a heavy suitcase. You suggest helping her with it. You got another point from her.
If I translate it from Vietnamese to English, it will be "I am scoring her".
And you can "score" your boss when he gives you a lot of good points for what you did to him or to the company.
Is it correct to say "I am scoring my girlfriend/my boss" when your girlfriend/boss acknowledge good things you are doing for them?
The dictionary has this phrase but it is often used in arguments. My one is to let people think that you are very good.
score a point/points (off/against/over somebody)
to show that you are better than somebody, especially by making clever remarks, for example in an argument
He was always trying to score points off his teachers.