I have seen a sentence below.
No matter how hard I try, I suck at Japanese. I mean, how am I EVER gonna get better at this?
My first question - In this sentence, what is an actual meaning of "how"?
- Is that "how" about "-for what reason : WHY from Collins dictionary & merriam-webster"?
How would I know if it's going to rain or not?
How can you talk such nonsense?
- Is this "how" about "-You use how in expressions such as 'How can you...' and 'How could you...' to indicate that you disapprove of what someone has done or that you find it hard to believe. from Collins dictionary"?
How can you tell him such awful lies?
How could such a writer be taken seriously?
How could he be so indiscreet?
My second question - Is this sentence rhetorical question?