1. Colons, dashes, question marks, and exclamation marks are ...
  2. Colons, dashes, question marks and exclamation marks are ...
  3. Colons, dashes, question and exclamation marks are ...
  4. Colons, dashes, question, and exclamation marks are ...

The Oxford comma is usually optional, but personally I prefer to use it whenever possible. However, I'm not sure it will be correct to use it in the 4th example. Is it correct or not?

1 Answer 1


I would say that "Colons, dashes, question and exclamation marks ..." is a list with only three items, but the last is a complex item, therfore it should be witten as:

Colons, dashes, and question and exclamation marks ...

by a user of the "oxford" or serial comma. Your version 4:

Colons, dashes, question, and exclamation marks

I think is thus incorrect.

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