The following is from The Ferryman, page 7 (depiction of a man, who was found in the bog, he was supposed to be an IRA informer, but something went wrong and IRA itself they killed him). What does "Some Polos" mean?
Was he wearing it or did they find it in his pockets? Was a typical dress for the IRA volunteers a civil dress? Or do brown corduroys, English brand Gola refer refer to something else? I know that the informers were given some expensive staff in the past and IRA bribed new members.
"...your man is wearing a pair of Gola trainers. A Timex wristwatch. Brown corduroys. (beat) So the rummage through his pockets and they find his car keys. His last pay packet from December 1971 (his money from the work?) Some Polos (a polo neck, sweater, a polo t-shirt, a headdress, some Polos corporate gift like a pen, some polos crossword puzzle clue?) A betting slip signed by Georgie Best."