Learning objectives :
Illustrate the global contribution to the knowledge of pharmaceuticals.
Compare and contrast routes of drug administration.
...Pharmacology is the study of drugs and their interactions with living systems including chemical and physical properties, toxicology and therapeutics. Pharmacy Technicians educated in pharmacology have this kills to properly identified the drug from a patient's profile when refills are requested and the patient does not remember the drug name. Knowledge of Pharmacology facilitates selection of warning labels for drugs dispensed. Pharmacy Technicians who possess a good knowledge of Pharmacology understand the importance of recognizing drug interactions, theraputics duplication and excessive dose alerts acreened by the computer. Overall, pharmacy technicians who have a good working knowledge of Pharmacology can perform duties within their scope of practice with greater independence.
I wonder if the the contribution in the first sentence, really means help.
I wonder what the word property really means in this context.
Does the phrase a patient's profile here mean a patient's face?
I wonder what the phrase within their scope of practice means.