In an episode of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003), Michelangelo is attacked by a crocodile. After managing to escape it, he tells his brothers about it. Raphael then responds: "We should have seen it coming, bro. You’re one rib short of a barbecue." What should they have seen coming? What does "You're on rib short of a barbecue" mean?
I tried Googling the idiom, but all I could find is a similar one: one rib short of a slab.
Malik Bishop : [narrating after O.G. Buddy cusses out their boss Damien] Damien was definitely one rib short of a slab. Change was definitely in the air: change for Buddy, change for Damien and change for me. That afternoon I watched Buddy self-destruct just like I watched my father self-destruct. Buddy knew that going up against Damien was like blowing your own brains out. Damien was a crazy motherfucker, that's for sure. Suddenly, the things that Buddy talked about before, made sense: this was a shitty job.