These two old boys hung their peckers off a bridge to piss. One was from California, one from Arkansas. Old boy from California says, "Boy, this water's cold." Old boy from Arkansas says, "Yeah, and it's deep too."
What does this joke mean?
These two old boys hung their peckers off a bridge to piss. One was from California, one from Arkansas. Old boy from California says, "Boy, this water's cold." Old boy from Arkansas says, "Yeah, and it's deep too."
What does this joke mean?
Its an old joke. The "old boys" are bragging about the size of their penises
"The water's cold" implies "my penis is long enough to water in the river below".
"It's deep too" implies "my penis is long enough to reach the bottom of the river."
If this is from the film I think it's from, you're going to have a hard time if you try to understand everything. There is a lot of Arkansas "good ol' boy" dialect. You'll enjoy it better if you just accept that you'll only get the gist. In this case the gist is "It is a dirty joke". But if you really want an analysis: Someone has actually written a thesis: Gendered sense of humor as expressed through aesthetic typifications