I'm playing this RPG video game Vampire The Masquerade and there is this group of vampires living on a beach. I walked up to them and started a conversation. The gang leader ask me if I came to run them off and I replied that I didn't. I asked him if it's common that someone does that. This is the answer he gave me I've trouble understanding.
"We're getting pretty sick of it. Someone citing domain or in the worst cases, hunting us for sport."
Now, I know the word "cite" means mention or refer to(TFD source below) 2. to mention in support, proof, or confirmation; refer to as an example: He cited instances of abuse. ... Domain on the other hand has this definition on TFD which seems like it might fit here. 7. (Law) The land of one with paramount title and absolute ownership.
Does it mean that someone is referring to some kind of document of ownership when speaking to the vamps living on the beach?