I've noticed that many words ending with 're' are pronounced by reversing the 'r' with the 'e'. Examples:
fire (ˈfī(ə)r)
fare (fer)
infrastructure (ˈinfrəˌstrək(t)SHər)
Is this a rule in English?
I've noticed that many words ending with 're' are pronounced by reversing the 'r' with the 'e'. Examples:
fire (ˈfī(ə)r)
fare (fer)
infrastructure (ˈinfrəˌstrək(t)SHər)
Is this a rule in English?
Is this a rule in English?
It's very, very hard to maintain "rules" about pronunciation in English. Since it evolved from so many sources, and is spoken with so many dialectical differences, every "rule" would have many exceptions. However, you're right to notice a pattern. In fact, some words are spelled with an "-re" in British usage and "-er" in American, but pronounced (more or less) the same: metre/meter, fibre/fiber. (But beware: timbre is a different word from timber, and is pronounced differently. Except when it's pronounced the same.)
There's a similar pattern with "-le" endings, when following a consonant, in which they can be pronounced "-əl": ladle, nozzle, whistle, subtle (but, oh dear, in the last two words there are two consonants before the "-le," and in "whistle" the second consonant, "t," is silent, but in "subtle" it's the first consonant, the "b," that's silent!).