In my language, we have a word – beslutsunderlag – for documents and other material that are used as a basis for decisions (generally decisions made by an authority of some sort). For instance: when a company is about to hire a new member of staff, they would use applicants' CVs, interviews etc as "beslutsunderlag" for deciding whom to hire. When a company is considering terminating one of their local branches, they use financial reports, customer surveys etc as "beslutsunderlag" for their decision. And so on.
When I look up beslutsunderlag in bilingual dictionaries ( and I get decision basis, which is the exact literal translation of beslutsunderlag (beslut – decision; underlag – basis), but quite frankly, sentences such as the following sound rather unidiomatic to me, and when I google different versions of them, I get pretty much no hits:
From the decision basis, it is clear that...
The decision basis should include information about...
The committee will put together a new decision basis
In my quest for a proper translation, I've come across decision guidance documents (or DGDs), which seems to be used to some extent, but I'm not 100% sure it means the same thing as what I'm after.
So, my questions are:
Am I right that the above examples don't quite work?
Does decision guidance documents mean 'documents and other material collected by a decision-making body, upon which a formal decision will be based'?
If neither decision basis nor decision guidance documents works, what should I use instead?