It's "supporting effort" and it means "an effort to support." "Along the axes" means each axis will have this "supporting effort."
"Axes" is just plural for "axis."
"effort" alone means: "a vigorous or determined attempt" according to oxford languages. And, in this case they are talking about a "war effort" since they are at war. A definition from Wikipedia is "In politics and military planning, a war effort is a coordinated mobilization of society's resources—both industrial and human —towards the support of a military force."
The entire sentence could instead be phrased like so:
The Russian attack on Kyiv likely consists of a main effort aimed at enveloping and ultimately encircling the city from the west along with a supporting effort from Chernihiv and Sumy to encircle Kyiv from the east.
"Axes" is not necessary; it just emphasizes the direct path from one city to the next, but that can be inferred.