Am I construing John Lawler's comment ELU correctly? Lawler was pairing words as Minimal Pairs. You can use IPA in your answer. Even better, if you can record and embed audio for this Minimal Pair!
1 Answer
Yes, they would be pronounced differently. The one related to length would have a /g/.
"Longer" meaning "one who longs" seems pretty unlikely to me. Hence, in the attached recording, I've added "not attested"... :)
Of course, if you come from Lancashire, finger/singer/ringer are all full rhymes, all with the harder G. I've never heard them tackle 'one who longs' but i could imagine it would be similar. Commented Jul 24, 2022 at 7:11
@gonefishin'again. That's true. You can often hear it in Beatles songs. Commented Jul 24, 2022 at 13:51