This is a perfectly normal way to ask a question and there are a couple of reasons why people do this.
You are correct that it refers back to the point about 'being a man', and there is no need to repeat this in order to ask the question.
One reason for constructing a question this way is for additional politeness, for example, "you wouldn't happen to know, would you?"
In your example, the question is rhetorical. Sometimes rhetorical questions are defined as those which do not require or demand an answer. Of course, in your example an answer is given, but really the speaker was inviting someone to agree with them, and the answer was just that agreement. In this case, it sounds like the question was a little passive-agressive in tone, and the agreement was a forced hand. This form of question is not always in this spirit however, and like any rhetorical question can be used to reinforce a genuine point.