A long time ago I heard someone ask this question, but I was only in elementary and this kid was in high school, but when is it applied and pronounced "striped" vs "striped," the key pronunciation difference being you've got one sounding like "st" as in the same, "ri" pronounced like rye, "ped" like that at the end of ripped, BUT the other version has it to be the same with the "st" and the "ri" but instead of like at the end of ripped, it's "pid" like at the end of stupid.
So "is that a stry-pt shirt," or "is that a stripid patterned shirt?"
I feel like I've heard it used in the stripid way, and when I heard it, it sounded to be very correct, recollecting on that same story I shared in the beginning, but now have since forgotten and can't remember if there is even a pronunciation difference, and if so, when is it applied and why.