If the stockings or clothes belong to a person who is a woman then write
- a woman’s [pair of] stockings
- a woman's clothes
If the stockings or clothes in a store are for women then I'd suggest:
- women's / ladies' stockings
- women's clothes
A house for a doll would be
A house for dolls would be
milk from a cow is often labelled as
However when the product is derived from vegetables, manufacturers will omit the apostrophe:
- Sunflower oil (NOT sunflowers' oil)
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil (NOT Extra Virgin Olives' oil)
- Soya (soy) milk (NOT Soya's milk)
- Coconut water (NOT coconuts' water)
while some animal products will either include the apostrophe or omit it entirely.
- Goat cheese or goat's cheese
- Cow milk or cow's milk
- Sheep wool or sheep's wool
- Lamb wool or lamb's wool
There are exceptions of course, it wouldn’t be English otherwise
- Chicken breast(s) (NOT chicken’s breast)
- Duck eggs (NOT duck’s eggs)
- Lamb brains (NOT lamb’s nor its plural, lambs’ brain)
- Lamb suet (NOT lamb's suet)
- Goose liver (NOT goose's liver nor geese's livers)
- Rabbit-skin glue (Not rabbit's glue or rabbit skin's glue)