I am an airport agent at an airline in Brazil.
As soon as some passengers arrive from their origins and need to check their bags for the domestic connection, they come to an area called 're-checkin'.
Whenever they check their respective bags, I have to escort them to terminal 2.
I would like to know if it would be ideal to say "Now, to board, you must go to the terminal 2" or "Now, to board, you must go to terminal 2", without the article?
Are we using the definite article here because some kind of determiner is mandatory before singular nouns?
Are we using the article because we are being specific? If so, how can I be sure that the information is specific? I've lost count of how many times I've seen sentences that seemed specific, but didn't contain an article.
In addition, I'm asking "how should I use the article in situations like this" and not asking for proofreading of the sentence itself, haha. thanks.