Are the following two sentences beginning with 'Did' and 'Did not' questions? What types of question are they?
Is first one 'rhetorical question' and second 'affirmative question'?
Second ond doesn't have question mark there. Doesn't it need question mark here?
Does it not, for instance, appear ironical that this most sober of all the religious doctrines is still considered by many Westerners as some sort of idolatry or mysticism? Did not the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, already long years ago, understand and lay stress upon this absolute soberness and clearness of Buddhism when he said:
Buddhism is a hundred times more realistic than Christianity. It has entered upon the inheritance of objectively and coolly putting problems. It came to life after several hundred years of philosophical development....
Source:Page. 1 Fundamentals of Buddhism by Nyanatiloka Mahåthera