I am designing a system where a user would enter dish portion size (?) and units, such as:
- Dish: Burger, or Cola, or Egg
- Units: gram, or millilitre, or piece
- Size(?): a numeric value, such as 200 (g), 500 (mL), 1 (piece)
What would be the best term for "Size" here? I used to use "Amount" but then I learned that amount is used to refer to nouns that can't be measured. Is that so? I know that typically dishes have output weight, but that's not always the case as some are sold by volume or pieces so I'm hesitating to use "Weight" as the common term. I was also considering "Portion size" or "Portion" alone.
I would prefer the word to only refer to the numeric value (a number) if possible, as if it shouldn't make sense on its own without measuring units attached to it.