The verb "drive an animal" is to force an animal to move. For example, the shepherd is driving a cow. It does not mean to make the cow eat.

What is the common verb expressing the action of moving some farm animals in a field to let them eat grass or plants?

  • Shepherds look after sheep. A cowherd or (UK) cowman looks after cattle. You might drive animals to a different field so that they can graze (eat grass) there. Commented Jul 8, 2023 at 10:44
  • 1
    You can't say a shepherd drives a cow. Shepherds look after sheep, not cows. Driving cattle is the usual expression (for cows/bulls). Sheep can be shepherded. "To shepherd sheep" means to guide them. "To herd" animals is also possible, i.e. to move as animals (as a group/herd). You can also "pasture" an animal, which means to move them to an area of grass to allow them to graze.
    – Billy Kerr
    Commented Jul 8, 2023 at 13:27
  • @KateBunting A herdsman is a non-animal-specific term for a male person who looks after farm animals, and the non-gender-specific herdsperson is often seen in job vacancy advertisements these days. Commented Jul 8, 2023 at 15:06

1 Answer 1


Cows graze

And sometimes farm animals are allowed to pasture


to (cause animals to) eat grass: The cows were grazing.
The farmer grazes cattle on this land in the summer months.
Cambridge Dictionary


verb transitive
3. to put (cattle, etc.) out to graze in a pasture
4. to graze or feed on (grass, etc.)
Collins Dictionary

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